Our sister project “Wissen schafft’s”, co-started by The STEM fatale Initiative co-founder Nicole Amberg together with international scientist colleagues Cerag Yahya, Stefania Tavano, Laura Burnett, Daniel Jirovec, Philipp Velicky and Saren Tasciyan, was selected for the novel incubator for social innovation and educational equality called “Future Wings Challenge”.
The challenge is designed to provide knowledge and guide project ideas from the explorative initiation phase to a ready-to-go (and ready-to-grow) start-up. Over several months, the Future Wings Challenge participants learned all the essentials about business plans, budget plans, marketing and funding. The Future Wings Challenge is a joint incubator by “Teach For Austria” and the “Future Wings Private Foundation”, who both believe that our education system needs new impulses to enable good education and fair opportunities for all children.
“Wissen schafft’s” aims to establish a novel Edutainment platform by communicating principles and findings of the STEM disciplines in a simple manner using short animation videos produced and explained by researchers.
The first prototype, consisting of one season with 5 episodes of short explanatory animation videos, can be found on the Wissen schafft’s YouTube channel and provides the basic knowledge on cell biology, virology and immunology to understand the concept and benefits of vaccination. This season was produced by minimal budget.
If you want to help them acquire funding for the production of further and more professional videos, please get in touch via the website or via Email: wissenschaffts@gmail.com