Nicole Amberg has been invited to give a career talk at the “Women in STEAM Careers Webinar Series- Women in STEM Leadership: Leaders for a Post-COVID World” organized by the Austrian Embassy Manila and further supported by the International Labour Organization (ILO), Department of Education (DepED), UP NISMED and WiTech.
As part of the Embassy’s activities in the field of scientific diplomacy and in celebration of the UN International Women’s Day, the webinar series entitled “Science Diplomacy Workshop: Women in STEAM Career Webinar Series’’ with the theme: Celebrating Women and Girls in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Culture, and Mathematics was launched virtually on 28 February 2022.
The webinar series is designed to highlight the diverse opportunities for Filipino girls and women in STEM professions and to inspire them to pursue STEM careers at a young age. The event also aims to promote dialogue and exchanges to demystify STEM and break down gender stereotypes, encourage discussions at all levels on the most common issues and challenges, highlight best practices for young girls and women in STEM careers, and strengthen interest in these careers in Austria and the Philippines.

The Panel Speakers during the webinar on March 28 included:
• Dr. Cynthia P. Saloma, Executive Director of the Philippine Genome Center and Professor at the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology,
University of the Philippines
• Ms. Ma. Cristina Coronel, Founder and Senior Advisor Pointwest Technologies
• Dr. Nicole Amberg, Founder of The STEM fatale Initiative and Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria
The panel speakers were kindly introduced by Dr. Sheryl Monterola, Executive Director of the UP National Institute for Science and Math Education. After a
short presentation about their careers and career-promoting activities for girls and women in STEAM, the panel speakers answered several questions raised by the audience in a Q&A session.
Ms. Madeleine Mitchell-Diolanda, Press and Cultural Officer of Austrian Embassy Manila gave a summary of the Webinar highlights and Dr. Fortunato De la Pena, Secretary of the Department of Science and Technology concluded the importance of the event, which was attended by more than 100 guests.